Identifying what should be robotised

How to identify the processes that could be automated?

If a process is repetitive, performed regularly, clearly defined by the rules, non-changing and without a lot of exceptions, it represents an excellent medium for process automation.

However, experience shows that such theoretical definition rarely helps in identifying processes that could be automated. For this purpose, the checklist below could be used. Ask yourself or your colleagues:

  1. Which processes are late due to employees’ regularly not finding the time to complete them?
  2. Which tasks are considered as demotivating by your staff because they are monotonous and uninspiring?
  3. In which processes are human errors most common?
  4. Which tasks are performed by your staff more than once per day?
  5. Do you have skilled employees who do not utilise their potential performing time-consuming tasks of administrative nature?
  6. Are there any processes aimed at entering data from one source to another?
  7. Are there any processes using the same data for different tasks (reports, documents or forms)?
  8. In which processes are confidential business or personal data used?
  9. Which tasks have to be performed very fast with limited human resources?
  10. Are there any tasks to be performed outside working hours?

These questions help us with the customers in identifying the processes that would be great candidates for automation. Such processes generally yield the best return on investment and make the employees happy.


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Office: Lightouse Digital Innovation Hub, Liepų str. 83, Klaipeda, Lithuania

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